You wake you the next morning and notice the bus has stopped at a gas station. "Why have we stopped?" you ask the women sitting next to you. "The Professor needs us to grab more food and supplies." She states in a calm mood. "If you need anything you should request it from the Professor. I think he went inside with a couple of the others." You walk inside the gas station and notice the Professor and another member. Without sounding needy you ask the Professor if you could grab a snack for yourself. He nods. Quickly walking to the snack aisle to not waste anyone's time you grab a candy bar when out of no where you hear a man begin to yell. One of the members has become irate because the cashier informed him that they are out of his favorite kinds of chips. Glass shatters as the man grabs a glass bottle from a nearby refrigerator and breaks it over the counter, threatening the cashier with it. Professor Lloyd looks irritated. [[Intervene]] or [[Stay Passive]]? Without hesitation you jump right in the middle of the violent situation and disarm the man. Being passive will help you stay low but you wouldn't allow someone to be hurt or possibly killed as you just standby and watch. You hold the man down as he spits out curse words mixed with gibberish. He calms down rather quickly and you notice the shadow of Professor Lloyd sliding towards you and the man until it completely engulfs the two of you. Lloyd helps you onto your feet. "Thank you for calming him down." Professor Lloyd expressed in a rather monotone voice. "Please, grab your food and head back to the bus with us." The three of you walk back into the bus. You take your seat in the back as Lloyd makes an announcement "My children!" Professor Lloyd shouted. "Our newest memeber has shown that he cares for us. He diffused a hostile situation just now and I thank him, and so should you." The family in the bus all began to thank you for doing the right thing. "That guy you took down has always had a bad temper." The women next to you explained. "Usually no one does anything about it because we don't want to get involved." "You shouldn't be scared of violence." You state. "A real family would stand up to each other and speak their mind, not try and navigate around conflict." You notice that the Professor had been listening to your conversation, he nods then turns around in his seat. The story continues on <a href="" target="_top">day 4</a> You decide that this type of violence would be rather common and choose not to do anything about it other than watch. Who knows, maybe he will commit a crime and you can use that later against them. As the member begins to inch closer to the cashier a loud yell is heard from outside the station. "''DROP IT!''" You look through the window and see Professor Lloyd standing outside of the bus, glaring at the man. The bottle is instantly dropped and he begins to walk back to the bus. You decide to leave your snack and head back to the bus as well. After taking your seat you look to the front of the bus, noticing Professor Lloyd giving everyone a stern look of disappointment has he takes his seat. The story continues on <a href="" target="_top">day 4</a><center>INTERACTIVE SCENARIO</center> <center>GAS STATION ALTERCATION</center> <center>[[PLAY |Stopping Off]]